Toeasemymind's goal is to provide accessible professional hypnotherapy for people around the world


We are tiny team of professionals, taking pride in their work. We are sooo happy writing you here.

The wide array of therapeutic strategies depending on the subject of the audio session, native speaking voice actors in crystal clear recordings, are the factors that contribute to the immersive therapeutic experience Toeasemymind offers.

How we started

Toeasemymind was born from the desire to expand what we do in the office so that we can reach more people. We want to cultivate a state of well-being and we strongly believe in people's inner resources. The time given to one's own person is as vital as food, water, shelter.

Shared values

We were united by our passion for contemplation, reflection and the subtle side of life. We believe in the healing power of stories, metaphors and analogies.
Ever since we were children, stories have played a very important role in our lives.

Story telling

They surprise in a non-invasive, non-directive way aspects of our psyche and in any story we can identify with parts of the resource but also with parts of the shadow within us, represented by positive and negative characters. Stories are a wonderful projection tool that offers through the action of the characters the opportunity to feel and explore emotional feelings.

toeasemymind's therapists: Isabela Stanciu and Mara Craciunescu


Cognitive behavioral therapy

Clinical hypnosis

Ericksonian hypnotherapy

MARA Crăciunescu

Trauma psychotherapy

Play psychotherapy

Drama therapy

Our personal stories

We both chose specializations in psychotherapy that emphasize the relationship between mind and body, and the experience in the office put us face to face with how much suffering is created when we are disconnected from ourselves and too absorbed in what happens in environments where we live.
For a psyche which is always under stress and has become accustomed to being in a state of alertness or anxiety, this project can be a real support in adjusting to the state of relaxation so necessary for a healthy psyche.
With Toeasemymind, you can access states of peace, relaxation, healing, meeting with your own self. It offers other means by which you take care of parts of yourself that need it and a reason to give yourself 20 minutes a day. It is also a way to put you in touch with the inner force to do you good, by the fact that introspection is deeply restorative.
We want this project to be for you a gentle hug of compassion and attention to the needs of your body.

Blog posts

An illustration of the mind during trance

What goes on in the brain during trance?

When we encounter an emotional difficulty, we must use methods that directly address the proper emotional sphere to generate a change. If we rely only on language, there is an effect of frustration...

An older man reading to his grandchild from an open book with characters and scenes emerging from the book

The benefits of storytelling

The Power of Stories in Life and Relationships Stories in many moments of our lives surround us. They hold immense potential for connection and relationships. So sometimes, consciously or unconscio...

A person experiencing worry and a symbolic barrier, set against a background of life events triggering anxiety

Separation Anxiety

Recognizing Separation Anxiety and Its Symptoms Separation anxiety is characterized by excessive and persistent fear and anxiety (inadequate for the stage of development). It is related to separati...

We have demonstrated experience in working with the following affections

Generalized Anxiety
Separation Anxiety
Attachment Disorders
Opposition Behavior Disorder
Conduct Disorder
Couple Issues

Developmental Trauma
Depressive Disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Dissociative Disorders
Somatization Disorders
Anger Management

Panic Disorder
Suicidal And Parasuicidal Behaviors
Complex Trauma
Lack of Initiative
Fear of Failure
Eating Disorder

Identity Oriented Psychotrauma
Substance Use Disorders
Sexual Dysfunction
Dysfunctional Play
Adolescent Difficulty